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Paddle UK course prerequisites



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Excellence Award 2015


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Course Feedback Form

What our clients say...

"Very good course. Useful to get pdf which I could open on the smart phone. De-brief was useful and informative and I enjoyed time on the water. Chose Wild River as I’ve used before and happy with service."

"Paddled some great rivers to advance my leading and to consolidate my personal paddling. Was given adequate opportunity to show how well I could lead and paddle."

"Well organised and thought out. Experience of running course was clear.Good atmosphere, clear delivery. Not too much pressure"

"Professional, well organised and clear objectives. Good pre-course info. Plenty of opportunity to perform. Thanks."

"Genuinely feel a more confident leader, which even if I'd failed would have been a positive outcome. Tasks set were clear as to where they fit in the 4 Star syllabus."

Wild River Course Calendar


BCAB Pre-requisites

Performance Awards

3 star open canoe pre-requisites

There are no prerequisites or age restrictions for these awards.

Although not pre-requisites, these awards provide appropriate acknowledgement of personal skills for paddlers wanting to attend Coaching and Leadership qualifications. Achieving these awards ahead of the relevant qualification will enable you to focus on the course content, rather than being concerned with your personal skills.

Useful Downloads

Canoe Award

White Water Award

Sea Kayak Award

Touring Award

SUP Sheltered Water Award

3 Star Kayak Pre-requisites

There are no pre-requisites or age restrictions for these awards.

Although not prerequisites, these awards provide appropriate acknowledgement of personal skills for paddlers wanting to attend Coaching and Leadership qualifications. Achieving these awards ahead of the relevant qualification will enable you to focus on the course content, rather than being concerned with your personal skills.

Useful Downloads

Progressive Canoe Award

Progressive White Water Award

SUP White Water Award

3 Star Sea Kayak Pre-requisites

There are no pre-requisites or age restrictions for these awards.

Although not prerequisites, these awards provide appropriate acknowledgement of personal skills for paddlers wanting to attend Coaching and Leadership qualifications. Achieving these awards ahead of the relevant qualification will enable you to focus on the course content, rather than being concerned with your personal skills.

Useful Downloads

Advanced Canoe Award

Advanced White Water Award


Courses for Leaders

Paddlesport Leader Award Pre-requisites

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete a Paddlesport Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland).

It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date. At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full Home Nation Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 1-day First Aid award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK

Useful Downloads

Paddlesport Leader Assessment Guidance

Paddlesport Leader Skills Checklist

SUP Sheltered Water Leader Award Pre-requisites

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete a SUP Sheltered Water Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland).

It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date. At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full Home Nation Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 1 or 2-day First Aid award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK

Useful Downloads

SUP Sheltered Water Leader Assessment Guidance

SUP Sheltered Water Leader Skills Checklist

Canoe Leader Award

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete a Canoe Open Water Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full Home Nation Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 2-day First Aid award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK


Canoe White Water Leader

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete a Canoe White Water Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full National Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 2 day First Aid Award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK
  • White Water Safety Course (previously White Water Safety and Rescue Training)

Please note: Candidates need to ensure their safety and rescue skills are current and up-to-date before presenting for an assessment; it is strongly advised that their WWSC or WWSR training is recent to ensure this is the case.

White Water Leader

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete a White Water Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full National Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 2 day First Aid Award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK
  • White Water Safety Course (previously White Water Safety and Rescue Training)

Please note: Candidates need to ensure their safety and rescue skills are current and up-to-date before presenting for an assessment; it is strongly advised that their WWSC or WWSR training is recent to ensure this is the case.

Touring Leader Award

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete a Paddlesport Touring Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full National Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 2-day First Aid Award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK


Sea Kayak Leader

There are no formal prerequisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete a Paddlesport Touring Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

  • Full National Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 2 day First Aid Award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK
  • Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning


Advanced Canoe Open Water Leader Award

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete an Advanced Canoe Open Water Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full Home Nation Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 2 day First Aid Award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK


Advanced Canoe White Water Leader Award

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete an Advanced Canoe White Water Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full Home Nation Association Membership
  • Valid (within 3 years) Paddle UK recognised 2 day First Aid Award
  • Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by Paddle UK
  • White Water Safety Course (previously White Water Safety and Rescue Training)

Please note: Candidates need to ensure their safety and rescue skills are current and up-to-date before presenting for an assessment; it is strongly advised that their WWSC or WWSR training is recent to ensure this is the case.

Advanced White Water Leader Award

There are no formal pre-requisites for leader training but candidates should have a level of personal skill relevant to the environment.

Paddlers wishing to complete an Advanced White Water Leader Assessment are required to register with the appropriate Home Nation Association (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland). It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

Please note: Candidates need to ensure their safety and rescue skills are current and up-to-date before presenting for an assessment; it is strongly advised that their AWWSR training is recent to ensure this is the case.


Courses for Coaches

SUP INstructor

Candidates wishing to pursue the SUP Instructor award are required to register directly with their respective Home Nation Association. This can be done via your on-line membership portal. Registration is different to booking a place on a course, which is done directly with the course provider. It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date. Registration costs £46.80.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full Home Nation Membership (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland)

Prior to attending the Stand Up Paddleboard Instructor course you are expected to have developed personal paddling and rescue competence. If you are unsure about your skill level or you can cross check your skills in the Stand Up Paddleboard Instructor Course Guide - Skills Checklist

Minimum age 14.

Paddlesport Instructor

Candidates wishing to pursue the Paddlesport Instructor award are required to register directly with their respective Home Nation Association. This can be done via your on-line membership portal. Registration is different to booking a place on a course, which is done directly with the course provider. It is advisable to do this at least 2 weeks prior to the assessment date. Registration costs £46.80.

At the point of registration, evidence of the following is required:

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration

  • Full Home Nation Membership (Paddle England, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland)
  • Paddlesport Safety and Rescue Course (PSRC)

If you have not previously completed the Paddlesport Safety and Rescue Course we normally provide the opportunity to take this training before our Paddlesport Instructor courses.

Prior to attending the Stand Up Paddleboard Instructor course you are expected to have developed personal paddling and rescue competence. If you are unsure about your skill level or you can cross check your skills in the Paddleboard Instructor Course Guide - Skills Checklist

Minimum age 14.

Core Coach Training

Core Coach Training

You need to have:

Paddle UK membership

In addition, we strongly recommend that students paddle their preferred craft at a good standard in sheltered water. See skills assessment on page 20 of the course guide.
Have a clear understanding of how boats move and can breakdown the manoeuvres in order to facilitate good coaching. Have delivered a number of coaching sessions so they have an appreciation of group management and communication.

Sheltered Water Coach Training

Canoe and/or Kayak Coach Training (Shetered Water)

You need to have:

Coaches register with their Home Nation Association at any point on their journey to assessment. It is highly recommended that coaches register early to enable access to the eLearning Coach Award package which provides supportive material and signposting to development opportunities.

Registration fee is £46.80.

Moderate Water Canoe Coach Training

Moderate Water Coach Training

You need to have:

  • Paddle UK membership
  • Completed the new core coach training OR Completed old level 2 coach training
  • Relevant Moderate Water Leader Award (formerly 4 Star Leader Award)

Coaches register with their Home Nation Association at any point on their journey to assessment. It is highly recommended that coaches register early to enable access to the eLearning Coach Award package which provides supportive material and signposting to development opportunities.

Registration fee is £46.80.

Open Water Canoe Coach Training

Open Water Canoe Coach Training

You need to have:

  • Paddle UK membership
  • Completed the new core coach training OR Completed old level 2 coach training
  • Moderate Water Canoe Leader Award (formerly 4 Star Leader Award)

Coaches register with their Home Nation Association at any point on their journey to assessment. It is highly recommended that coaches register early to enable access to the eLearning Coach Award package which provides supportive material and signposting to development opportunities.

Registration fee is £46.80.

Advanced Water Coach Training

Advanced Water Coach Training

You need to have:

  • Paddle UK membership
  • Completed the new core coach training OR Completed old level 2 coach training
  • Relevant Advanced Water Leader Award

Coaches register with their Home Nation Association at any point on their journey to assessment. It is highly recommended that coaches register early to enable access to the eLearning Coach Award package which provides supportive material and signposting to development opportunities.

Registration fee is £46.80.

Paddlesport Coach Assessment

Coach Award Assessment

There are three elements of essential training to support coaches working towards a Coach Award.
This includes:
1. Core Coach Training
2. Discipline Specific Training
3. Coach Award eLearning

Prior to your Coach Award Assessment you are required to have completed the following
assessment pre-requisites:

• Registration via your on-line membership portal.
• Coach Award eLearning
• Coach Award Core Training (see notes below)*
• Coach Award Discipline Specific Training (see notes below)* *
• Relevant Leadership Award for Moderate and Advanced Coach Assessments

Evidence of minimum standards of deployment:
• In date First Aid Training (1 day for Sheltered Water and 2 day for Moderate and Advanced Water Options)
• Safeguarding Training (as required by your Home Nation Association)
• Full Home Nation Association Membership
• Aged 16 or over at the time of assessment (18 for Advanced Water Options)

Prior to assessment you must ensure that all the pre-requisites are in place by checking-in with Paddle UK. Assessment check-in can be completed using your member portal. You should do this at least a few days before the assessment. If you have any problems please call your National Association direct.

You MUST take the following paperwork to your assessment:
1. Completed Assessment Discussion Task (see Assessment Day Pack for details)
2. Logbook of experience (see Assessment Day Pack for details)
3. Evidence of your Home Nation Association check-in approval for assessment

*Core Coach Training
Coaches who have completed any of the following training/assessment courses can choose to bypass the Core Coach Training if they feel confident with the content:

Level 2 (UKCC) Training OR Assessment
Moderate or Advanced Water Endorsement Training OR Assessment
Level 3 (UKCC) Core Training OR Assessment

**Canoe and Kayak Coach (Sheltered Water) Training
Coaches who have completed a 4-day Level 2 (UKCC) Training course can choose to bypass Sheltered Water Training if they feel confident with the content.

Open Water / White Water Canoe and White Water Kayak Coach Training
Coaches who have completed Moderate (or Advanced) Water Endorsement Training or BCU Level 3 Assessment (pre-UKCC) can choose to bypass the Coach Award Discipline Specific Training (in the same discipline) if they feel confident with the content.

Advanced Water Disciplines Coach Training
Coaches who have completed Advanced Water Endorsement Training can choose to bypass the Coach Award Discipline Specific Training (in the same discipline) if they feel confident with the content.

Coach Awards Course Documents

How to register - step by step guide:

British Canoeing Registration



Safety and Rescue Training

Paddlesport Safety Course

Paddlesport Safety and Rescue Course Pre-requisites

There are no specific pre-requisites for this course although we would recommend a paddling ability around 2 Star to get the most from it. There is no age restriction.

white water safety and rescue

White Water Safety Course Pre-requisites

Candidates should be:

  • Confident in their ability to paddle on grade 2 water
  • Confident to swim in normal canoe clothing in the moving water environment
  • There is no age restriction.

A first aid certificate is not a pre-requisite; however the holding of a first aid certificate is strongly recommended for all paddlers.

Advancedwhite water safety and rescue

Advanced White Water Safety Course Pre-requisites

Candidates should:

  • Hold either the relevant BCAB Personal Performance Award or equivalent ability in their preferred craft due to the paddling environment and the boat control required to complete the course.

  • Be confident in their ability to paddle on grade 3 and 4 water.

  • Be confident swimming in normal canoe clothing suitable for a moving water environment.

  • Minimum of 16 years of age.

Although not essential, we recommend that you attend a Paddle UK White Water Safety Course beforehand.

A first aid certificate is not a pre-requisite; however the holding of a first aid certificate is strongly
recommended for all paddlers.




Paddlesport courses in the Lake District