For candidates proceeding to assessment using coach training courses prior to January 2018, the following applies:
If your Level 2 coach training is now out of date then you should contact British Canoeing and request an extension.
If it is still in date then you should contact British Canoeing and inform them which new coach award you are planning to complete. They will transfer your registration to the new system.
Please see British Canoeing advice for coaches transferring to the new Coach Awards.
You can use the following to meet the pre-requisites: |
Old Level 2 coach training (see notes above). |
Registration with British Canoeing - contact British Canoeing and change your registration to the new coach award. |
Full Home Nation Association Membership. |
Valid First Aid - minimum one day course within 3 years. |
Child Protection Training - British Canoeing or other as before. |
Either complete the e-learning module or send us your Level 2 coach workbook. |
Professional discussion task (your portfolio can be used for the discussion task). Please see page 3 of the Assessment Day Pack. This task aims to help you through this process and provides opportunity for you to discuss and share your thinking. You need to prepare this task before you attend your assessment. |
Record of experience (or log book). Prior to assessment you will need to practice in a range of situations, environments and bring a logbook of experience to the assessment. You can also bring any records of planning and reflection to assessment. Please see page 4 of the Assessment Day Pack. |
Moderate Water and Open Water Coach Assessments |
For Moderate Water and Open Water Coach Assessments, in addition to the pre-requisites above, you will also need the revelant Moderate Water Leader Award. |
Advanced Water Coach Assessments |
For Advanced Coach Assessments, in addition to the pre-requisites above, you will also need the revelant Advanced Water Leader Award. |
When you contact British Canoeing prior to assessment the check in will reflect your difference in pre-requisites.